Lists and Rankings

This Page will have up to 39 Lists of Artists, Bands, and Tracks... a sample List is shown under Classic Rock Music in the Header.

Members will submit their suggestions to

Lists of CR Category Rankings, including:

1. Top 10 Artists/Bands and Songs

2... Top 40 Artists/Bands and Songs

3. Top 100 Artists/Bands and Songs

4 Top 10 Female Lead Vocalists

5.. Top 10 Guitarists, Bass, Drummers, Horn and Brass Players, Keyboards, and other Percussionists

6. Top Instrumental Artists and Songs

7. Top 10 CR Songs by Year from 1963 to 1984

8. Top 10 Slow Dance Songs

9. Top 10 Fast Dance Songs

10. Top 10 British Artists

11. Top 10 American Astists

12. Top 10 Spanish Artists

These have come in since our Launch:

13. Top 10 Instrumental Accompanists

14. Top 10 Lyrical Accompanists